Why is Threading a better technique for eyebrow hair removal?
Many eyebrows are raised when you share your comfort of threading over tweezing. That’s because people have among them many myths and misinformation about threading. It is now gaining popularity in the western world, but it has long been used in Asian countries. It’s a hair removal technique where the hair is removed from its root without taking any skin along. It’s slowly becoming mainstream as people are realizing its perks.
In this blog, Team L’ Ayuraura wants to share with you the benefits of threading. Let’s break some myths and educate ourselves about the chemical free technique of hair removal. There you go. That’s the first benefit. However, there are many more that will make you rethink your eyebrow shaping technique.
1. Chemical Free
For all those who are safety conscious about their skin and after-effects of waxing, we want to tell you that Threading has no chemical element in it. Therefore your skin remains untouched by Ingredients like resins, carcinogenic parabens, artificial fragrances, and dangerous dyes. As there are no chemicals in the process, threading is far from being harmful for your skin. It’s also beneficial for sensitive skin.
People who are on certain medications and skin conditions may turn to this method to be completely safe from hurdles. There are no allergic reactions to threading as the process is performed using a simple cotton string.
2. Long Lasting
In between your monthly sessions of eyebrow shaping, you spend a lot of time noticing whether your eyebrows are in shape. You often redo it in short intervals to be on a safer side. With the threading technique, you’re free from this hassle. With this technique, the eyebrow shape prolongs itself for a period of four to eight weeks.
3. Beauty in the Details
Threading allows your beautician to have a much closer look at the eyebrows. It focuses on growth of each hair individually and maintains the natural arch of your brow.
4. Faster, Cleaner, and Better
Threading takes three to seven minutes. You don’t have to worry whether the wax is reused and contains bacteria. In Threading, the thread is changed for each client. It also takes away the unwanted stray hair around your eyebrows.
Now comes the main question. Does threading hurt? Well, that depends on the skills and experience of the beautician. A trained beautician can do the process in a smooth and rapid manner.
It’s worth a try. Isn’t it?
At L’ Ayuraura, we have credible and trained beauticians who will help you to keep your eyebrows on fleek. People say it’s difficult to find a salon with threading services and that is why they don’t opt for it. Well, you’ve found it. If you’re in Lyon or nearby region, visit us to experience this chemical free way to shape your brows.
Have a good day!